AMAKS Krasnaya Pakhra Moscow region
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Nordic walking

Nordic walking is a physical activity that uses a certain technique classes and technique of walk with specifically designed poles.


Movement of the arms, legs, hips and body are rhythmic and the same as in walking. Opposite arms and legs move back and forth as when walking, but more intense. It is very important to find the right pace to feel the results of training.
The magnitude of the swing my hands back and forward determines the size of the steps. Short movement of the arms to limit movement of the hips and legs. If the movements of the hands and feet with a large backswing, the hips, chest, neck-shoulders also become more and the load increases. The stick should contribute to forward motion, i.e. it is necessary to start.


  • Maintains muscle tone at the same time the upper and lower parts of the body.
  • Trains about 90% of all body muscles.
  • Burns up to 46% more calories than regular walking.
  • While walking reduces the pressure on the knees and spine.
  • Improves heart and lungs, increases the heart rate by 10-15 beats per minute compared to normal walking.
  • Ideal for correct posture and solutions of problems of the neck and shoulders.
  • Helps to climb the mountain.
  • Improves balance and coordination.
  • Effective exercise for athletes who need constant training of the cardiovascular system and endurance.
  • Returns to normal life of people with problems of locomotor apparatus.
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